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Should I Repair Or Replace My Furnace?

As the weather cools down and summer turns into autumn, many homeowners begin thinking about their heating system. If you have an older furnace, thoughts may turn to whether or not it’s time to trade in that old furnace with a new one. Replacing a furnace can be costly. But then again, so can investing money into extensive repairs. It can be difficult to know when to just repair a furnace versus replace it for a new one. Here are some tips to give you some insight as you consider what to do this winter.

If Your Furnace Is Older and Need Frequent Repairs…
If your furnace is fifteen years or older, it could be time to consider a replacement. As the years go by, an older furnace will begin to show signs of wear and tear. Yes, it will continue to work after being repaired. But is it really worth it to invest all that money into constantly repairing an already older furnace? You have to ask yourself if the money would be best invested into a new furnace instead. If your furnace is serviced annually and yet still needs repairs throughout the winter, a new furnace could be the most economical choice.

If It Lacks Energy Efficiency…
Older furnace units aren’t designed with energy efficiency in mind like they are today. Your furnace might be costing you more in the long run. Low energy efficiency means your furnace has to work harder to keep your house warm all winter long. This increase of energy use also means an increase in your monthly utility bills as well. Consider what you paid to heat your home in previous years. If your bill has gone up significantly, it could be due to a lack of furnace efficiency. When your furnace is costing you more money on monthly energy bills, a newer, energy-efficient unit could be the way to go. The monthly savings alone will pay for the new unit over time.

If the Necessary Repair Is Over Half the Cost of Replacement…
If your furnace isn’t working and is in need of repair, consider the cost of the repair before moving forward. If the cost of the repair is over half the cost of what it would be to simply replace the furnace, replacing the existing furnace could be the better option. If your unit isn’t old and the cost is under what it would be to replace the furnace, repairing may be best.

It is important to consider many factors such as energy efficiency and cost before committing to either a furnace repair or replacement. If you are unsure, E Dennis can help. Contact us today to discuss a furnace repair or replacement options. If you are ready to schedule your annual furnace maintenance check, we can help with that too! Give us a call today! 404-400-HVAC

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